Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 2023 Garden Journal Zone 7

This is not meant to be polished.  These are my notes.


1/1 planted peas, ghost peppers, eggplant some strange melons my son was interested in.  Placed on a grow mat under lights.  Red leaf romaine started

1/10 some of the peas are 3 inches, most are not up yet. Romain lettuce doing well.  Removed “green house” lid.  Placed closer to grow light to reduce legginess.

Started figs in the fall from clippings “borrowed” from a rogue tree in DC which blocked a sidewalk.  No progress.  Pulled the three clippings up, scraped the base, put in rooting mix and placed back in the soil.  Put pot on a heat mat.

Store bought parsley enjoying grow lights.  Basil looking sad.

Put sweet potatoes in water that were starting to produce slips

Outdoor gardens:

Some late bulbs put in

1/6 Progression planting garlic outdoors.  Started in September.  Put some out each week or so through January.

And took out my elephant ears and other tropical bulbs a little late 

1/7 - cut tops off milk jugs and planted yellow beets then covered with the jugs for mini greenhouses.

Working on cleaning up the greenhouse and replacing the sides.


Started peppers, parsley, cilantro, and basil.  Basil for indoor harvest.

Fig cuttings taken in November - one seems to be alive.  I need to pluck the greenage but it makes me happy today.  Maybe tomorrow we pluck.

The red Romain is making progress!






Lemons limes oranges 



More peas




Clear debris 

Much paths

Spread manure 

Start new gardens

Build more beds


Cut back overgrown areas

Prune fruit trees

Mulch fruit trees 

Stake fruit trees

Update worm farm

Buy perlite and other supplies 

Cattle panels for garden?

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